2024 DiStefano Golf Outing Survey Golf Outing Survey How was your overall experience?ExcellentAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageVery PoorWill you plan to attend future outings? Yes No Would you like to see us incorporate any additional side games/bets? (Ex. Skins) Yes No If yes, please provide suggestions.Rate the food and beverage quality.ExcellentAbove AverageAverageBelow AverageVery PoorWas the starting time (11am tee time)... too early too late just about right What is your preferred time of year for this type of event... early August late August early September late September Was the overall reception... (check all that apply) too late too long just about right I'd prefer to just golf and go home We want this event to be great for you! Please provide any additional feedback that could make this event or future events better.